
‘Get it on the town’ in the September issue of the Zwierciadło!

We invite you to read the article ‘Matka Polka się buntuje’, by Alina Gutek in the latest Zwierciadło. It quotes data from our social study on the lack of accessibility of toilets in cities prepared for the May conference ‘Get it done in the city – so that the lack of toilets does not exclude’, for the Fundacja na Mieście w ZODIAK Warszawski Pawilon Architektury

This is important because:

👉 being on a toilet leash limits and socially excludes millions of Polish women/men

👉 Influences how we spend our time, hinders mobility 🚶‍♀️🚶

👉 Influences our health, how much we drink or hydrate ourselves 🌡️💧

👉 whether we interact socially

👉the problem doesn’t only affect mothers of young children – as Monika Pastuszko has focused on in depth in her book ‘Polish Mother Peeing in the Bushes’ – but also young people and seniors  (Will you endure? Yes, I will!)

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