
We end 2024 with a rash of publications!

In the last week (13-20.12), 22 publications about Zymetrics and data from our research were published in various media.

In what moods are we entering the pre-Christmas period? The final year’s attitudes and greatest fears of Polish women and men– materiały opracowane na podstawie informacji prasowej dotyczącej raportu „Jesienne Nastroje Polek i Polaków” pojawiły się w Gazeta Polska, Puls HR, Teoria Biznesu, Super Pani, Imperium Kobiet, Babcia Polka, Wirtualne Media, Biznes Newseria, Innowacje Newseria, Kariera

Polish women and men perceive the current situation in the country differently. Here is who and what they are worried about – unique data on women’s concerns and attitudes obtained from the survey ‘Autumn moods of Polish women and men ’in the article Rzeczpospolita

What impact does social media have on e-shopping – data and conclusions from the study ‘Poles and women on online shopping 2024’ in Puls Biznesu, Puls Biznesu Newsletter

Petsy. Four paws in good hands – the article cites data from a survey conducted for Petsy Forbes

A true Polish tradition – ‘Znachor’ for Christmas on Kino Polska and Stopklatka – the material refers to the study ‘Popularity of Polish film among Polish viewers’ by Zymetria, carried out on behalf of Kino Polska Group from June 2024. – Kino Polska

Smoking rubbish: unhealthy and illegal! Penalty of up to PLN 5,000 or 30 days in jail – data from a report carried out for RLG – Gazeta Senior and Puls Podkarpacia

The future of business – what we know about the digitalisation of small and medium-sized companies managed by women – as a partner of the GO DIGITAL programme run by the LBC Foundation – Onet, Lady Business

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