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Author: Maciej Czarnota

Zymetria and Whirpool on White Goods

Repairing white goods is better than buying new, as long as it makes financial sense. Zymetria carried out a study on behalf of Whirlpool (“Attitudes and behaviour of users of large household appliances –

Zymetria Partners with Gdynia Design Days and Change Pilots to Promote Sustainable Business

Katarzyna Król and Joanna Paśnik led the workshop “Find/Recognize Your Sustainable Development Goal. 17 SDG Personas and Comics,” during the festival organized by Gdynia Design Days and Change Pilots. This international conference organized by

Poles accept water price increases

This is according to a survey conducted by Zymetria on behalf of the Polish Waterworks Chamber of Commerce. Poles agree with the fact that increases are necessary to be able to ensure safety through

What we eat affects the planet and the climate

Zymetria conducted a study commissioned by the Interdisciplinary Center for Analysis and Collaboration Food for the Future. It shows that Poles do not see links between their food choices and their health or the

Time for sustainability

Find out what Poles know and think about sustainability, how engaged they are and what pro-environmental actions they take. How brands and companies communicate with consumers, and what consumers’ experiences of greenwashing are.

Every second Pole is now learning a foreign language!

A survey conducted by Zymetria on behalf of Tutore Poland shows that as many as 75% of residents of large cities have a communicative command of English. Only 14% do not know any foreign

Zymetria on FMCG Opportunities in e-Commerce

Edyta Czarnota talks with Michalina Szczepanska, PhD in the ‘Listen What’s On “Trade”‘ Podcast. They chat about how e-commerce is doing, is the pandemic boost still there, how inflation is changing online shopping, and

Eco-friendly Christmas – are we ready?

Are Poles open to eco-friendly gifts, non-material experience, what pro-environmental actions they take during the holiday season, which brands and companies are perceived as Christmas pro-environmental.

Back to Great Normal – Poles on online shopping (4th wave)

The impact of the end of the pandemic and inflationary pressures on the development of the ecommerce market in Poland, changes inonline shopping of major categories, online sales models, development of quick commerce.

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