Highly ranked in the 2023 research companies!
We have learned the results of the most recent ranking of research companies on the basis of the PTBRiO/ESOMAR study. We are very pleased that, as we do every year, we ranked highly in
We are proud to present the results of the carbon footprint calculation for 2023 (scope 1, 2, 3) according to GHG Protocol and ISO – 14064 – I standards.
Calculating the footprint is an important step, but even better are effective emission reduction strategies. We managed to reduce our carbon footprint by 29% relative to 2022. while maintaining business growth! Among other things, through:
– The contribution of the entire company community – every conscious male and female employee,
– Consuming everything organically – from water in the office to external services and products,
– Selecting responsible suppliers, services and products,
– Educating our supply chain and team e.g. through Climate Mosaic and Find Your Purpose 17SDG workshops,
– Changing habits,
– Optimal design of research processes.
We would like to thank our partner Envirly for providing the emissions counting tool and go ahead, encourage others in the sector