Highly ranked in the 2023 research companies!
We have learned the results of the most recent ranking of research companies on the basis of the PTBRiO/ESOMAR study. We are very pleased that, as we do every year, we ranked highly in
We are delighted to announce that Kamila Hernik and Justyna Sawicka have joined Zymetria from September!
Kamila – Sociologist, researcher and mixed methods analyst with 20 years of experience.
She has conducted research projects in education, social policy and labour market, market research in the restaurant and construction industry, UX research, foreign market research, service design in the public sector. She is a speaker at conferences and author of more than 40 publications.
Justyna – Researcher with 20 years of experience in quantitative research, gained at major research agencies (Pentor, TNS, IPSOS).
Mathematician, specialist in research in the area of building and monitoring a brand’s position on the market, segmentation, price research, tracking.