Highly ranked in the 2023 research companies!
We have learned the results of the most recent ranking of research companies on the basis of the PTBRiO/ESOMAR study. We are very pleased that, as we do every year, we ranked highly in
We are very pleased, as another Partner Joanna Kwiatkowska has joined us since October.
Asia has almost 20 years of experience in the research industry in Poland and abroad (including India), and has worked in senior positions for several years.
She has carried out hundreds of ad-hoc projects and long-term strategy, research and communication processes.
She works or has worked for leaders in many industries – including e-commerce (e.g. Allegro, Empik), fmcg (Coca Cola, Danone, Diageo, BAT), entertainment/media (e.g. Netflix, Canal+, RadioZet), pharma (e.g. Berlin-Chemie, GlaxoSmithKline, Polpharma), finance (e.g. Mastercard, mBank, Santander).
She taught research at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Warsaw. She is currently working with the Wajda Film School.
Asia thank you for joining us!👏